ChatGPT: The Future of the Workforce?

Episode 53

Episode Overview

Everyone’s talking about the latest and greatest AI software, ChatGPT by OpenAI.

What does advanced AI mean for the future of jobs and the way we do business? Join Pete and Ricky on this episode of the Hire Calling Podcast, for an insightful discussion about how this new technology works and the ethical dilemma it may cause.

Will ChatGPT put your job at risk? Depending on your position it could, however, it will also create new opportunities. Tune in to learn how you can embrace this new AI instead of fearing it.

37 minutes

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How to Embrace ChatGPT and Other AI Software

  • Get ahead of the new technology and take the time to learn how to use it. Technology like this will ultimately eliminate some jobs, but knowing how to use it can help you land a new opportunity.
  • Integrate the technology with what you already do. Don’t make it your enemy; instead, use it as an ally. Find ways to take advantage of it and those who do will ultimately be better off for it.
  • Stay ahead of the curve and keep up to date with the latest advancements. Consider how your knowledge of this software will make you invaluable in your role.

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About Pete Newsome

Pete Newsome is the president of 4 Corner Resources, the nationally acclaimed staffing and recruiting firm he founded in 2005. His mission back then was the same as it is today: to do business in a personal way, while building an organization with boundless opportunities for ingenuity and advancement. When not managing 4 Corner’s growth or spending time with his family of six, you can find Pete sharing his sales and business expertise through public speaking, writing, and as the host of the Hire Calling podcast.

About Rick Baez

Efrain “Ricky” Baez Jr. is a published human resources professional specializing in strategically aligning HR competencies to business goals with a down to earth, common sense approach. Ricky is a four- year veteran of the United States Marine Corps and holds a Masters degree in Human Resources (MHR) from Rollins College and an SPHR certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute. Ricky is also a faculty member for the Master of Human Resources program at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.


Pete Newsome 00:00
You’re listening to The Hire Calling Podcast, your source for all things hiring, staffing, and recruiting. I’m Pete Newsome and joined once again by Ricky Baez, Ricky, Happy New Year. It’s 2023. How are you, man?

Ricky Baez 00:12
I’m doing great. First Friday of the new year,

Pete Newsome 00:16
First Friday. It’s a beautiful day. And the jobs report just came out. And we are. We’re looking good. We’re looking good. 223,000 new jobs. Unemployment. Is it three and a half percent? It’s a good time in the labor market, don’t think?

Ricky Baez 00:35
I think so. I think it’s a great time in the labor market right now. I know some people might think otherwise.

Pete Newsome 00:42
Salesforce employees today think otherwise. Yeah. 10%, who were laid off?

Ricky Baez 00:49
Well, if the job market is as good as the numbers say, it shouldn’t have any problem finding something else and still have their severance.

Pete Newsome 00:57
So that’s an interesting question, right? Because I guess we’re just getting into this today.

Pete Newsome 01:01
No, no, no, no fanfare but you know, all these company employees have been laid off from large tech companies were probably had a pretty good, you know, did you see the video that went around, have a day in the life of a Twitter employee? About a month ago?

Pete Newsome 01:20
A LinkedIn one went around, and LinkedIn seems to be doing okay. I don’t think they’ve announced any layoffs. But this Twitter employee went through their day. And she didn’t seem to work at all.

Ricky Baez 01:32
Alright. And meetings. Starbucks.

Pete Newsome 01:36
Yeah, there were meetings at one point, right, who knows what those were about? Maybe where they were going, you know, later on? Yeah. You know, up on the roof.

Pete Newsome 01:45
And just it was it looked like a spa day. And then I know from my past life that in current lives today, and who we recruit with these folks make a lot of money at these tech companies, they’re flying pretty high.

Pete Newsome 02:02
So I don’t think it’s as easy as finding a new opportunity. That’s consistent.

Pete Newsome 02:08
There have been some significant layoffs. So it’s a bit of a contrast, right? You have the jobs reports that keep coming out, looking great.

Pete Newsome 02:21
American companies are creating jobs at a significant rate and continue to beat expectations, I think, something like eight months in a row, maybe even nine, I think that they’d beat the forecast in terms of new jobs created unemployment remains at historic lows.

Pete Newsome 02:38
How do you reconcile that? And then yet, all these companies are having laid off, so we know what’s going on with inflation. We know there are some bad signs in the market. But um, to me, these things just don’t seem aligned.

Ricky Baez 02:51
They don’t pay them.

Ricky Baez 02:52
And I think this is the second time we talked about it because it’s just a little bit confusing now I get it, the numbers, the job numbers that came out, it is all jobs in the United States, whereas what we’re seeing right now is the layoffs was kind of like on the tech side, the Silicon Valley side.

Ricky Baez 03:10
It’s so I know that’s a smaller piece of the pie than what the job numbers represent.

Ricky Baez 03:16
So I guess what I’m saying is, I would like to know why those positions are open like I’m sorry, those job creation numbers, where are they coming from?

Ricky Baez 03:28
What part is because somebody left because they went to be a 1099 employee, or they got fired, whatever the case may be, I will like to see how that breaks down.

Ricky Baez 03:39
But nonetheless, low unemployment numbers are a headache for HR managers and are great for the economy.

Ricky Baez 03:46
And the opposite is also true there, Pete, obviously, because when unemployment is high as an HR manager’s dream because you get to fill requisitions quickly, but it’s just bad for the economy.

Ricky Baez 03:55
So I’m a little bit biased from an HR point of view.

Pete Newsome 03:58
Yeah, well, it’s also what we’ve seen, we saw some what I deemed to be unnatural hiring a year ago, in really a year to 18 months ago, we were seeing companies paying drastically bigger salaries for recruiters in particular because the demand was so high for employees.

Pete Newsome 04:22
So even though unemployment is low, I don’t think the market is. I don’t think the demand for employers is anywhere near what it was. And I say that because so many corporate recruiters have been laid off.

Pete Newsome 04:37
I mean, my LinkedIn timeline is flooded with corporate recruiters who’ve been cut. So I don’t suspect, and we’ve touched on this already that the tech companies are number one following Twitter’s lead.

Pete Newsome 04:52
So Elon came through and let him cut a bunch of companies, and employees’ jobs that he deemed unnecessary. He made a big deal about what was very public.

Pete Newsome 05:02
And I think companies are latching on to that. And probably also right-sizing a little bit. I mean, I was part of the I was in it in the mid-90s when companies were spending money left, and right, it was crazy.

Pete Newsome 05:14
And then and then kind of the rug was pulled out from under all that when the bubble burst. And I think it’s a little bit of that right now, there was a lot of fluff, right? I mean, a lot of fluff in those tech companies.

Ricky Baez 05:28
Well, there is, and what Elon did. I mean, as of right now, as of today, this first Friday of 2023. It’s what he did, it’s proven to be true.

Ricky Baez 05:41
The organization obviously, for years have, had been running. Extremely Inefficient. Look how many people and how many jobs were eliminated in the company still going now.

Ricky Baez 05:51
I’m saying that now not knowing how many employees at Twitter are burnt out or on the verge of burning out. We still don’t know what that will look like later on.

Ricky Baez 06:02
But you’re right. It’s last year, we saw the exact opposite. We saw the offers kind of going more than what we were accustomed to, to see me you called it on this show.

Ricky Baez 06:14
We had you, and I was having the same conversation last year, how the pendulum was gonna say yes, yeah. And here it is. Right now. We’re seeing it right now.

Pete Newsome 06:25
So that’s great, that’s a perfect way to put it. Right the pendulum is swung back. And what was unnatural has to pass to settle.

Pete Newsome 06:34
And it has settled I feel it’s uh, I saw a post a couple of days ago, it was an I don’t know where it came from.

Pete Newsome 06:44
But it was a recruiting opening. And I don’t even know if it was a name-brand company or not.

Pete Newsome 06:50
But the number of applicants was shockingly high. But again, my timeline now, of course, is that I live in this world and know a lot of recruiters.

Pete Newsome 06:59
So it’s no surprise that I see these folks who are looking but man, there’s been a lot of people who’ve changed jobs multiple times, trying to remain still employed in that world, because we just this are too much too soon. Right? I think. Yeah.

Ricky Baez 07:19
But you know, it’s we’ll see, we’ll see.

Ricky Baez 07:22
Because I firmly believe that the people who get laid off who were not expecting to be laid off, maybe this was their moment, I will I want to see how many businesses how many startups come out of this.

Ricky Baez 07:36
Because remember, this might be the sign somebody who was working at Salesforce or Amazon needed to actually kick open the idea that they’ve been sitting on for the past 510 years.

Ricky Baez 07:46
So I have seen some situations from startups that have come up because ten years ago, they were laid off because something happened to them when the bubble bursts back in the early 2000s.

Ricky Baez 07:58
So I know it’s easy for me to say that as somebody who quote unquote, has not been affected by that.

Ricky Baez 08:04
But from the outside looking in, I’m excited about what kind of innovation we’ll see later on and what kind of fresh ideas these displaced employees will provide to other organizations.

Pete Newsome 08:15
So that’s a perfect segue into the question that we were asked that we wanted to talk about today. Did you do that on purpose?

Ricky Baez 08:26
I did not go with the flow of conversation therapy.

Pete Newsome 08:30
Or a very natural view of innovation is absolutely necessary.

Pete Newsome 08:37
Relative to this question that we were asked, which is, someone wrote in and said, I’m worried that ChatGPT is going to eliminate jobs, including my help, what can I do? So step back for a moment.

Pete Newsome 08:54
Let’s talk about what ChatGPT is. I know we’ve discussed it briefly in the past, but it I’ll let you describe it. You’re a big fan, you think it’s this is a huge, huge deal. It is a big deal.

Pete Newsome 09:09
I wrote a blog, just kind of for fun. The day I saw that, it came out about a month ago now, and I interviewed it about recruiting. And my finding was that it was incredible.

Pete Newsome 09:27
I mean, it is incredible. There’s no question about it, but I’m not worried it will take the jobs of recruiters quite yet. But why don’t you describe what ChatGPT is, as you’ll do a better job than I will describe it?

Ricky Baez 09:37
Well, first of all, let me tell you how I found out about it. Right. It was actually your blog. Okay. That blog came out, and I’ve always been fascinated with AI.

Ricky Baez 09:50
And when that blog came out, and you’re interviewing this ChatGPT thing, and I’m like what, and I read the article and I’m like I, I put that aside, because I’ve never heard of it.

Ricky Baez 10:03
I’m like, That’s interesting. So I put it aside, and I’ll access it later.

Ricky Baez 10:07
I was having some conversation with some people later on, in that same conversation came up, and I’m like, oh, yeah, Pete did an article on that, then I took a deep dive, let me tell you, folks, the power of this thing, it’s I don’t think people yet realize, so let me give you an example.

Ricky Baez 10:25
When you were in school, or when when any of us was doing any kind of a research assignment, whether it’s high school or college, we either depending on how old you are, had to go to the library, we know, check out some books and write some information down.

Ricky Baez 10:38
Or if you’re, you know, Gen X or younger, you’ve, you’ve Googled it, right?

Ricky Baez 10:45
You google some information, you grab the information, and based on the information you’ve aggregated from Google, you create your own thoughts, your own essay based on what you found.

Ricky Baez 10:57
What ChatGPT is, it does that for you. So it does all the research, I don’t want to say it does all the research.

Ricky Baez 11:06
But if you ask it to get explain something to you, it’ll explain it to you in such a way that you don’t think a computer program regurgitated this information.

Ricky Baez 11:18
Do you think there was another human being on the other side who put this together?

Pete Newsome 11:21
So it’s artificial intelligence? ChatGPT. Right. That’s, that’s what it is.

Pete Newsome 11:27
And it’s, it’s built on what’s called large language models, and it learns as it goes, and it is a big evolutionary step in AI is because it to your point, it appears that you’re communicating with, with the human right, the way it comes across.

Pete Newsome 11:51
It’s much more advanced than anything I’ve seen. I think it probably existed in certain areas that weren’t available to the public to the masses.

Pete Newsome 12:01
And now it is currently being offered for free for anyone who wants to use it. So, it’s a big evolutionary step, like I said, so what, what it what the risk is, of course, is that it’s going to replace jobs, right?

Pete Newsome 12:23
That content writing, in particular in content creation, that’s an area that ChatGPT does well in, but I don’t know what I found when I was asking it questions about recruiting of which I have a significant depth of knowledge, I found it to offer very good surface-level responses, but it lacked nuance, and some of the depth that I would think would be necessary, ultimately.

Pete Newsome 12:57
But it’s probably going to evolve and continue to learn and improve. And that’s, that’s, you can see that it will eliminate many jobs. Right?

Pete Newsome 13:08
So I mean, that’s my initial take is, yep, that’s going to happen. This thing is going to eliminate the need for a lot of jobs. But as we’ve talked about before AI is a bad thing.

Ricky Baez 13:25
I think it will eliminate jobs, for the jobs and or the people who are performing those jobs who refuse to evolve. Because right now this is the early stages of this.

Ricky Baez 13:41
And yes, you’re correct. It hits some really good points in the responses, but it still needs some human touches to make it seem a little more human right.

Ricky Baez 13:50
So you still need to massage it a little bit. But as it learns, that margin of error will get smaller and smaller.

Ricky Baez 13:57
So I think what people should be doing right now is the people who, who are afraid, like this, like this, a person who sent this in that something like this, what’s going to replace them instead of thinking about that, because it that could be a possibility.

Ricky Baez 14:11
But let’s get ahead of it. Let’s take a deep dive into how you can become an expert, learn as much about this as possible, and use it as a tool to provide the services you already do.

Ricky Baez 14:24
Don’t make it your enemy, make it your ally. So learn as much as possible about it instead of being afraid of it. I mean, that’s my take on it.

Pete Newsome 14:32
What you mentioned before we started recording was that you were concerned about ethics as it relates to this, right?

Pete Newsome 14:41
So if you’re the student who is an employee, current who has to create work, right, you’re being paid for, and now the work can effectively be created for you.

Pete Newsome 14:55
Is there an ethical dilemma there?

Pete Newsome 14:58
Or is that you know, is that a problem if someone wants, to type in the sentence or to have all the work created for them that someone is either grading you to do on your own or paying you to do on your own?

Pete Newsome 15:16
What’s your take on that? Are these different? Their duty to separate a student from a worker is different.

Ricky Baez 15:21
So as a professor, am I worried from an ethical perspective? I’m on the fence about that. Because I don’t know. I, I can’t definitively say where the line is. of unethical, unethical behavior, right?

Ricky Baez 15:39
Because right now, if somebody puts this in, you know, if somebody writes an essay, Asst totally from ChatGPT. Again, I don’t know how unethical that is because they’ve put in specific information they came up with, and the machine shot something back out.

Ricky Baez 15:58
That to me is just that it is a lot more advanced and evolved than going on Grammarly.

Ricky Baez 16:06
You and I talked about that. Or maybe if I spell something wrong and look it up in a dictionary, before Windows 95, or Windows 90, whatever. And now it tells you, at what point is the ethical dilemma in the conversation?

Pete Newsome 16:23
Well, yeah. I think it depends on what the objective of the assignment is. Right? So if you are a math student, and you are supposed to learn formulas, that will allow you to comprehend how to reach an answer.

Pete Newsome 16:43
But there are times when you shouldn’t use a calculator because it would cut the corner, so to speak, right, you wouldn’t have to know the formula, you have to know how to use the calculator.

Pete Newsome 16:56
But as math advances, and it’s almost like you don’t need to learn that formula anymore. Right?

Pete Newsome 17:02
The formula is now known. And if you understand, if you comprehend, you know, the bigger picture with it, then there’s a need to use a calculator right to advance, I mean, it’s it.

Pete Newsome 17:15
So I guess what I worry about? It is just from the student’s perspective. Well, if you don’t, you still need to learn some basics, right? Grammar is one, because how do you know if it’s wrong if you don’t understand?

Pete Newsome 17:35
If you don’t have basic grammar skills, you could also make a case, right? And I know, this is what we’ve talked about in the past, like, I don’t know how to fix my car.

Pete Newsome 17:45
Right, but I don’t need to know how to fix it. I don’t know how to grow my own food. I mean, fundamentally, I mean, theoretically, I do.

Pete Newsome 17:52
But I don’t actually know how to do it. But I don’t, I’m never going to have to. So my time is better spent doing other things because we have a division of labor.

Pete Newsome 18:03
And so this further divides labor and what needs to be done. So humans don’t have to spend time researching. I mean, because, you know, go into a lot.

Pete Newsome 18:13
You haven’t been, you know, a student going to a library and digging through volumes of books and journals. I mean, I guess you could argue that there’s, there’s work ethic, that, that they learned through that.

Pete Newsome 18:26
And their way of thinking and processing things evolves. But does that really serve them? Well, right, because their time is better spent doing something else?

Ricky Baez 18:39
So hearing you say that I mean, it’s, I got a great example for you. Right, but it’s let me address what you just said because it’s this is the part a lot of people are missing.

Ricky Baez 18:50
Maybe the ethical dilemma that we’re applying or I’m thinking about applying to this now. It’s outdated. Right? It may have been a dilemma 10-20 years ago, but not today.

Ricky Baez 19:01
Because they need me to learn things. It’s unnecessary because now I mean, I don’t have to hike anywhere. I don’t have to be a long-distance runner, I have a car. Right?

Ricky Baez 19:12
So I am no longer other than for health reasons, right? I don’t need to run long distances. But I guess what I’m saying is for something like this right now.

Ricky Baez 19:26
That is the only ethical dilemma I see. I would see if, for example, in your freshman year in college, your very first class, you take his English comp one-on-one, right?

Ricky Baez 19:37
The whole point is for you to learn how to have its word composition, grammar, spelling, and things like that. Yeah, I guess if you use a word or Grammarly for that is highly unethical because the point of that is for you to learn all those things that you’re getting from something else.

Ricky Baez 19:52
Whereas in your Master’s class, I’m asking about unions and writing a position on unions your position on it You have to be able to compose some kind of argument that is grammatically correct.

Ricky Baez 20:05
And where you can use words for that or other outside things. And it will be an ethical dilemma. Because I’m not checking you for that.

Ricky Baez 20:12
I’m checking you for your comprehension of the units. I hope that makes sense. I don’t know if that makes sense or not.

Pete Newsome 20:16
Well, it does. It all depends on what the objective is. But you could Can you fast forward to a point in society or human evolution where you say there’s no reason to spend time learning proper grammar because computers will do it for you?

Pete Newsome 20:33
I mean, I personally think that we’ve dumbed down speech to a pretty significant degree just in the last 20 years, where things are acceptable that that is human interaction and writing and straight our conversation that I would I have seen, and thank God, it’s awful grammar, right.

Pete Newsome 20:59
But it exists, and no one seems to care. So I, I don’t think that’s making us better. As a society, on the other hand, that’s a matter of perspective.

Ricky Baez 21:19
I’m sorry, hold on, I’m gonna put you on the spot.

Ricky Baez 21:23
Five minutes ago, you said that if you don’t have to worry about all these things, that technology allows you not to worry and that you could focus on other things. So we use Grammarly.

Ricky Baez 21:40
Wouldn’t that be the same thing with that? Because now you’re saying, I think I’m hearing the opposite now, right? Because I think now you’re saying because of this technology is not helping us now.

Pete Newsome 21:50
I’m saying communication has devolved to some degree in the way because if you cut out the words matter, right, there’s nuance to words, and that’s consistent with what I found using the ChatGPT. To ask about recruiting was that? Yeah, it could answer things at a basic level, right?

Pete Newsome 22:21
But it really did lack nuance and depth, I don’t know what better way to put it.

Pete Newsome 22:25
So my communication, if you have a bigger if you read more, right, your vocabulary is going to expand because you encounter more words, you know, a child is limited, and it’s in their ability to communicate because their vocabulary is not very large.

Pete Newsome 22:46
So the broader your vocabulary, the better you communicate because you have a bigger variety of words to draw from right to illustrate a point and do interact with another human.

Pete Newsome 23:01
So that’s really what I’m thinking of if you just cut off the need to learn that.

Pete Newsome 23:08
And you own, so you start to go backward, right? Like, I don’t think that it makes us better by having less an understanding of vocabulary and grammar, necessarily saying.

Ricky Baez 23:21
I get what you’re saying. I think I think that rationale could change over time. I think it could change over time, but I understand what you’re saying. But it just depends on how real this gets. Right.

Ricky Baez 23:34
So going back to the question going back to this person who’s concerned, it’s, you know, what, can we give people an example? Let me give people an example.

Ricky Baez 23:46
On why this person is concerned, right? Because normally, if, if you and I wanted to interview somebody, we could, you know, sit down, figure out what kind of job this person, what kind of job we’re looking to fill, what kind of skills we’re looking for.

Ricky Baez 24:00
And we write interviews, we spend some time writing some interview questions that will help us understand their skill set.

Ricky Baez 24:07
Now, I just opened up chat that I already have an account, and I type in right into the questions for an HR generalist. Yep. Then two seconds.

Ricky Baez 24:18
Question number one, how do you stay organized and manage your workload? Number two, can you give an example of a time when you had to handle a difficult employee situation?

Ricky Baez 24:27
How did you handle it? And what was the result? How do you stay current on changes in employment laws and HR best practices? Describe a time when you had to deal with a conflict between two employees.

Ricky Baez 24:40
How did you resolve it? What was the result? These are good questions.

Pete Newsome 24:45
No, yeah. What’s interesting, though, is I have to call you now out a little bit is it can you type you for the last 20 years? You could have typed that in Google and received the same questions.

Pete Newsome 24:57
You can type it in Google right now and receive not only those questions but dozens and dozens of more for that role, you could go to and see those questions you can, and you can see those, you know, in different places.

Pete Newsome 25:14
So I don’t you know, it’s pulling data together that already exists somewhere else, or answers that already exist somewhere else.

Pete Newsome 25:23
And I think it’s just in a format that is what it really is it relates to those sorts of things. It already exists, it’s just putting it together in a nice package for us.

Ricky Baez 25:33
So to me, that’s the evolution, that’s the AHA, the pulling the data that’s been around for decades.

Ricky Baez 25:42
It’s how the data is compiled after it’s pulled. That’s really mind-blowing.

Pete Newsome 25:47
Now do the same thing, type it in and say ask it in the tone of Dr. Seuss. Why don’t you do that? Because see, to me, that’s where this thing is, is amazing, is that it’s not just polling information.

Pete Newsome 26:03
It’s, it can manipulate, not manipulate, maybe manipulate but massage it.

Ricky Baez 26:12
Right into the questions for an HR generalist in Dr. Seuss.

Pete Newsome 26:17
Is it going to work is a question.

Ricky Baez 26:27
If you were a character in a Dr. Seuss book, which one would you be and why? Can you give me an example of a time when you had to think left think right think low think to solve a job?

Pete Newsome 26:39

Ricky Baez 26:41
How do you say unbarring? When it comes to employee engagement and retention initiatives? How do you handle trouble in the truffle?

Pete Newsome 26:50
Was in trouble in the what?

Ricky Baez 26:54
This is great. How do you handle quote-unquote trouble down in truffle Ville? Difficulty employ situations in a way that is consistent with the values of the company?

Ricky Baez 27:04
Oh, so what this is doing this interview questions for an HR generalist in a Dr. Seuss-themed company.

Pete Newsome 27:12
Okay, there you go. Well, does it do it? I mean, if you did it in you know, you could do it as limericks, you could do it as rhymes, you know. There’s, that’s what is crazy about that.

Pete Newsome 27:22
So back to it back to the jobs, is it going to eliminate jobs?

Pete Newsome 27:28
This person who wrote us didn’t say what job they’re in. But depending on what they do, the answer may be yes, certain jobs will no longer be necessary, they’ll be automated.

Pete Newsome 27:40
This has been the way of human evolution since the beginning of time, and it’s, it may be an unsettling thing. It may be a scary thing, maybe a bad thing for some people, but for society as a whole.

Pete Newsome 27:59
It’s going to change us a lot. I think that’s what we can agree on. For sure is it, and those who pay attention can stay on the curve.

Pete Newsome 28:12
If you ignore it, that’s where the trouble will come from. I mean, I’m paying very close attention to this now and other things like it.

Ricky Baez 28:24
Here’s and while I’m hearing, you say that because I’m thinking, Alright, we were lobbing easy balls over here. We’re not giving this we’re not challenging this.

Ricky Baez 28:36
So I’m going to make it a little bit challenging here. So now I typed in, you are a talented people manager and went to Harvard Business School. Coach me, I’m motivating my team to succeed.

Ricky Baez 28:47
It’s thinking, so I did this the other day. And it spits out some things it gave me a little synopsis about what I need to be doing as a leader and what ideas how to motivate my team.

Ricky Baez 29:01
And I’m thinking, being I can see a lot of frontline leaders using this on their one on ones to help them kind of. So it came back here we go.

Ricky Baez 29:11
Alright, so again, I asked him, you are talented, you’re a talented people manager and he went to Harvard Business School to coach me and motivated my team. Here’s to its response.

Ricky Baez 29:19
Sure, here are a few tips on motivating your team to succeed. Number one, set clear goals, and make sure that your team knows exactly what is expected of them and how their work fits in the bigger picture.

Ricky Baez 29:31
Number two, provide regular feedback, check regularly with team members, and provide feedback on their performance.

Ricky Baez 29:38
This can help them understand what they’re doing well and what they need to improve on and it keeps going on and on and on. Pete, I got the perfect, perfect example for this. ChatGPT is the blank for dummies book online. That’s it.

Pete Newsome 29:57
Very good. Well, I think it’s more than that right? I think it’s a simple way to say it.

Ricky Baez 30:02
Well, yeah.

Pete Newsome 30:02
But it’s powerful. It’s a powerful application. And it’s, it’s, we’d be crazy not to think it’s, it’s going to improve significantly.

Pete Newsome 30:17
Now, I did notice that and I saw the guy who is the CEO of open AI, the company that created ChatGPT, a guy named Sam Altman, I follow them on Twitter, and he mentioned that they were addressing these issues, but it seemed to have some political bias to it. In the URL, the initial version or iteration it was, it was out there.

Pete Newsome 30:47
And so there were examples shared where it, it definitely had a political slant to it, the answers. And so what will be interesting is you take something like that, right?

Pete Newsome 31:00
And suppose it asks a question about let’s do something that is politically sensitive, or which is everything today, right. In that case, we know that but but but it was one question in particular that I remember seeing had to do with fossil fuels.

Pete Newsome 31:14
And so many people say, We’re crazy not to use fossil fuels, the world needs them and depends on fossil fuels for energy.

Pete Newsome 31:23
And others say, you know, fossil fuels are destroying our climate, and we’re all gonna die as a result. So there are some impassioned beliefs on both sides.

Pete Newsome 31:35
But this thing took a stance on it, about, you know, the use of fossil fuels.

Pete Newsome 31:42
And if there was a competing product, and there will be many competing products to this, and they give contrasting information, they give contradictory answers. Well, that’s it that leads to its own problem because whose right is Fox News? Right?

Pete Newsome 32:01
Or is it in messin’ MSNBC, right? And that, to me, is where humans will ultimately reign. Right? Because we don’t do, we can’t rely on something to be definitive if it’s infallible, you know, unless it’s infallible, right?

Pete Newsome 32:26
Like if there’s a chink in that armor at all. And we know that there is as of right now.

Pete Newsome 32:33
Well, then how can I really trust it? Implicitly, I can’t. Right. So that’s it’s like humans will ultimately rule the day because there aren’t versions of truth in there aren’t.

Pete Newsome 32:49
And we’ve kind of evolved where we say they are, right?

Pete Newsome 32:52
I mean, we have very public figures, elected officials who are on video and very blatantly you know, in writing. It is data that indicates there’s dishonesty, blatant dishonesty, and the media will tell you that didn’t happen. Right.

Pete Newsome 33:11
And people believe it didn’t happen. We have these opposing views. So I don’t see how like there will ever be one thing to Trump humans completely.

Ricky Baez 33:26
I agree with you. With something like this, you know, Mark Cuban said it best about five years ago, Mark Cuban said I might massacre this.

Ricky Baez 33:38
This quote. He says don’t bother going to school and getting a degree right now in coding and building apps. That’s, that’s it’s that that market is saturated. That mark is gonna continue to grow and grow and grow and grow.

Ricky Baez 33:54
And in 10 years, you’re not going to need to learn how to build an app, you’re going to have apps that do that for you.

Ricky Baez 34:02
You will need an intellectual mind to know how to manage all this new information because of how quickly and how technology has evolved.

Ricky Baez 34:13
So he even said, You know what, liberal arts degrees will be more valuable in 10 years than they are right now. Because in the future again, it’s going to be about how the human mind artistically moves things around. artistically.

Ricky Baez 34:27
I said right, move things around to ensure they’re more efficient as a business. So it’s really interesting we’re starting to see that right now.

Ricky Baez 34:37
Yeah, because this product charges up, you can also write code. I don’t know if you’ve you’ve I saw that I tried to have it all but it can well I saw it wrote a book the other day.

Ricky Baez 34:47
Did you see that now I believe it took an Amazon that obviously people had to, you know, massage it but it so I understand this concern Pete I understand why people would be worried.

Ricky Baez 35:01
And it’s good to be worried because you don’t want to make the mistake Kodak, blackberry and blockbuster did. And when new ideas come up, they’re like, that’s never going to happen.

Ricky Baez 35:13
And now they were left behind. I think part of that train, learn about it, embrace it, you’ll be okay.

Pete Newsome 35:19
I think that’s a great way to wrap this up.

Pete Newsome 35:21
Because we are sorry for the, we’re not offering better news that if you’re afraid, this may take your job, it may, and it will take jobs, things like this. technology like this will absolutely take jobs as it has, and that’s not gonna change.

Pete Newsome 35:40
So stay on the curve, evolve and in it, find ways to have it improve your life, right? Don’t be afraid of it. Find ways to take advantage of it and those who do will, I mean, it will ultimately be better off for it right?

Pete Newsome 35:58
I mean, I think that’s where we’re heading, but it’s going to be an interesting road. It’s impossible to know this rapidity and the adoption that it’s going to the head us with these things, but we do know that it’s coming and it’s hell, it’s already here.

Ricky Baez 36:21
Well, let’s write a recipe for healthy tacos. Let me see what it does there. We’re gonna end up with this. What a healthy taco recipe you’re ready, Pete!

Pete Newsome 36:29
I am. I bet it I bet I can guess what it is. Here we go. Okay, go ahead and try to guess it let us involve a lettuce wrap.

Ricky Baez 36:38
Well, one pound of lean, lean ground turkey or chicken one small onion diced one small bell pepper diced also means clove garlic, one teaspoon of cumin, chili powder, paprika, salt, and pepper to taste a small corn tortilla topping of your choice, and detailed instructions on how to cook them.

Pete Newsome 36:57
Alright, corn tortillas.

Ricky Baez 36:59
There we go. That was wrong. Taco Fridays.

Pete Newsome 37:01
So Friday. Well, Happy Friday to you Ricky, for everyone listening. Thanks so much. We appreciate it. Always love questions We’d love to hear from you. And otherwise, drive safe and have a great rest of your day.

Ricky Baez 37:17
Have an awesome weekend, folks.

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